Finally, a snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea solution you can rely on. A 100% customised sleep solution enjoyed by thousands of Australians. Enhance your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing with the Snorex sleep solution.

Approved by clinical professionals
Our devices are extremely effective and recommended and approved by sleep clinics, hospitals, doctors and dentists, as well as thousands of people around Australia who we’ve helped stopped snoring.

Custom made for each individual
The devices are custom made to your individual mouth, sleep habits and personal preferences. You’ll receive a far superior solution than the cheaply made, off the shelf, one-size-fits all devices bought online or from your local shopping centre.

Most affordable custom device
The Snorex MAS is the most affordable custom device in Australia - offering a high level of comfort, and easy to use and maintain.

Includes Free Education & Support
The Snorex experience includes lots of free education and support around gaining quality sleep, health and wellness. Clinical diagnosis and education on your underlying issues, to help maximise your sleep.

Snorex Australia is a team of sleep experts, treating snoring and sleep apnoea with custom oral devices known as Mandibular Advancement Splints.
Our MAS devices are medically prescribed and custom-made to an individual’s mouth to provide effective treatment for sleep-related breathing disorders and prevent airway obstructions.
How It Works
Everything you need to create your impressions is sent (via free Express Post) directly to you. Complete your impressions following the easy instructions and send back to our main clinic.
Free delivery and return for all Home Impression Kits!
When we receive your kit, our sleep experts will give you a call to discuss your impressions and help you decide which device will deliver the best results for you.
As a bonus the cost of the home impression kit $169 will be credited against the cost of the device you select.
Your fully customised Mandibular Advancement Splint is created to ensure the very best fit and comfort.
You’ll receive your new device, custom created for you, ready to use immediately for a good night’s sleep.
Get your device in less than 2 weeks!
Over ten years ago I was diagnosed with "severe" sleep apnoea and a major snoring problem. I was one of those people who were unable to use the CPAP technique, so I turned to Snorex as a solution. WOW how fortunate was I. I have found the Snorex solution to not only help significantly with resolving my sleep apnoea issue, but really reduce my snoring as well. Oh and my wife thinks it is bliss, thanks to Snorex.
I picked up my Snorex last Monday and a week on I am bouncing out of bed about an hour and a half earlier than I normally wake. I also go all day without flagging, after one week! Thank you so much, I am amazed at the difference. Also, it is really comfortable to sleep with, I haven't had any problem adapting to it at all. It has made a massive change for me, thanks again.
Last night - I slept!!! WOW!! My wife said this morning that she didn't hear me snore once! How about that? I'm hoping for lots more nights like this - thanks for your help.
Thank you!! What more can I say? My life has been changed, by your Snorex guard, in so many ways. As you know, I had been using my CPAP machine for over 7 years and even though it did the job, it was not the most comfortable thing to use. Now, after using the Snorex guard for a number of months, we have both noticed a difference in our quality of sleep. It is far more comfortable to wear and my wife is definitely a lot happier. I will definitely recommend the Snorex to everyone I know, as it works. I can confidently tell them that it stops snoring an has helped my sleep apnoea. Well done!!
I had serious snoring & sleep apnoea issues. I attended the Snorex clinic at Woolloongabba & the people at Snorex were very friendly & obliging, which made me feel comfortable. With my new Snorex guard I had a sleep study & the results showed nil snoring, nil apnoea consenquently my breathing & oxygen levels stayed perfect. I am very delighted with the Snorex & would recommend that people who have been advised to use a CPAP machine to really consider the Snorex Snoreguard.
My husband snores, no surprise there, as many men and women snore. However, my husband appreciated that excessive snoring was not good for his health or for my sleep/rest and he took action. He told me he had read a small ad in the Courier Mail, placed by your company, and decided to check it out. I can testify that it works, and works well for me, especially. Its so simple and the price is quite reasonable, such that you wonder if it will deliver results, but it does. Great work Snorex!
This is just a little note to let you know how pleased I am with the Snorex you made for me while on holiday in Brisbane. Both my wife, Leonie and myself are delighted with the result. I DON'T SNORE and I BREATH CONSTANTLY ALL NIGHT. My sleep apnoea has gone, thankyou. I could not be without it. Just quietly we are back sleeping together in the same bed. I do feel so much better about life, now that I sleep probably. Thank you, Thank you.
I have used the Snorex device for a number of years and have found it to be completely effective in stopping my snoring. Over the years, I tried many other products, but none worked like my Snorex device does. I have recommended it to a number of others, all of whom have also found it to be very effective. I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone with a snoring problem.
I am a heavy snorer and suffer from sleep apnoea. That is until I discovered Snorex! Now, no snoring, no apnoea, just great sleep. My health has improved and so has my wife's! Thank you Snorex for twenty years of silent nights
Enjoy the convenience of getting a fully customised Mandibular Advancement Splint from the comfort of home, in your own time.
Order a Home Impression Kit.
Get started with just a few clicks.
Everything you need to create impressions will be sent to you at home within two days of us receiving your order. Follow the easy instructions emailed to you before your kit arrives.

Create an impression and send to our clinic
Send your completed impressions back to our main clinic to create your customised Mandibular Advancement Splint (MAS). Free Delivery & Return for all Home Impression Kits.
Discuss impression and select device
Our lab technicians, after consultation with our in-house dentist, will call you as soon after we receive your Kit to discuss your impressions and the device or device options that will deliver the best results.
Get your device in less than 2 weeks
Once our clinic has your impression, the process is completed in less than two weeks to get your new oral device back to you, so you can start enjoying a great night’s sleep, night after night.